9 Year old kid’s Curiosity and Exploration with Truth

A 9 year old girl looking at a computer screen.

A 9yr old girl, told me about a YouTube video discussing S. Bose’s death in a helicopter crash and the associated conspiracy. She conveyed it as a belief. Upon my further (soft) inquiry, I discovered she was conducting “research” to delve deeper into the history chapter from her textbook. It’s ironic, she questioned her “textbook” but believed in a random YouTube video. My point isn’t delving into political history but understanding when and how to trust information.

Is belief necessary? Why not challenge beliefs? Why couldn’t that girl question the logic in that YouTube video (internet)? I lack definitive answers; I’m not a child psychiatrist. Even in my own “research,” I encounter this.

Knowing and understanding differ. If your aim is to know, you lack rational control over your knowledge source. But for understanding, you must comprehend the source and its origins, a more challenging task, hence not taught to kids.

It’s a book, it has no physical presence yet all of us follow it. Everything is written there, what to do, what to believe in, which steps to take to get something out of life. Follow this or follow that, doesn’t matter. We believe it as if it’s a god written truth. Because we, as “kids”, knew nothing about questioning. We just like to know stuff or maybe not even that. 

I’m not pessimistic; I envision a future where people embrace individuality and question everything. (My fuck ton for Orwell dose influences my thoughts as I write this.)

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