This blog explores my challenge in understanding emotions. I compare it to Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific approach. Despite feeling emotions, my analytical brain often takes over, making it hard to grasp them fully. Yet, I remain hopeful. Like Leonardo’s quest for truth, I trust in the brain’s ability to learn. With time, I hope to better understand emotions and find inner peace.

As each year concludes, I open my notebook to plan the next, jotting down aspirations, material and emotional alike. This blog delves into my unique goal-setting process, not a guide but a personal perspective. Divided into six facets—Physical Health, Career, Personal Development, Finance, Relationships, and Hobbies—it encapsulates my approach towards life’s journey. Aiming not for a perfect rhythm but perpetual movement, I share thoughts and practices that resonate with my quest for happiness and fulfillment. Happy New Year! 🚀

In the journey of human evolution, our minds have raced ahead, grappling with intricate thoughts and complex communication. While our societies have evolved, our biology, rooted in survival instincts, hasn’t kept pace. Despite dwelling in bustling cities, our minds, wired for foraging threats, face a new challenge—anxiety. The blog unravels the impact of this evolutionary mismatch on our mental health, emphasizing strategies to navigate anxiety in the modern world. It elucidates the intertwined nature of fear, anxiety, and cognition, proposing actionable steps, including breathing exercises, for effective anxiety management.