This blog offers a hands-on exploration of Word2Vec, unraveling its purpose, functionality, and practical implementation. Vital in Natural Language Processing, Word2Vec excels in contextual word vectorization. Unlike simplistic approaches, it positions words with akin meanings closer in vector space. The blog provides a succinct yet comprehensive overview, introducing the Skip-gram model and culminating in a simplified Python-based implementation using Gensim. Essential for those seeking a swift entry into impactful word representation.

When we do the training we divide the data into two sets, train and test. this is called a hold-out set where we keep some data outside the training. This way we prevent the model from learning the test dataset. However, this method is not useful everywhere. Choosing the right cross-validation is very important as the different datasets may require different cross-validations.

Have fun building a deep learning based project that will make your security camera smarter. The main aim of this article is to design a deep learning-based smart security system which is based only on the images from RGB cameras.This system can be applied to the home/office security cameras. The proposed system will be able to do the following tasks: Let’s start! Face Detection It is very important to first do face detection before face recognition. There are multiple models available for face detection. Some of them are built-in OpenCV itself. Face detection algorithms can be built using CNN networks but …

Deep Learning Based DIY Smart Camera System Read more »