This blog explores my challenge in understanding emotions. I compare it to Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific approach. Despite feeling emotions, my analytical brain often takes over, making it hard to grasp them fully. Yet, I remain hopeful. Like Leonardo’s quest for truth, I trust in the brain’s ability to learn. With time, I hope to better understand emotions and find inner peace.

As I jot this down, there’s a mix of sadness and relief. Love isn’t just a chemical reaction or physical attraction; it’s about presence and connection. The women I’ve loved had more than just charm—they had a unique essence. Even when love feels past tense, it never fully leaves. We’re all trying to grasp this feeling, writing and reading about it, but maybe we never quite do. And that’s okay.

As each year concludes, I open my notebook to plan the next, jotting down aspirations, material and emotional alike. This blog delves into my unique goal-setting process, not a guide but a personal perspective. Divided into six facets—Physical Health, Career, Personal Development, Finance, Relationships, and Hobbies—it encapsulates my approach towards life’s journey. Aiming not for a perfect rhythm but perpetual movement, I share thoughts and practices that resonate with my quest for happiness and fulfillment. Happy New Year! 🚀

Think of your body as a vessel for energy, absorbing from the world. A friend, facing family strife, depression, and societal expectations, blamed himself for circumstances beyond control. Many battle self-blame in societies like India, fueled by family struggles, societal pressures, and perfectionism. Recognizing these roots is crucial for empathy. Mindfulness, stepping back to analyze thoughts, can combat self-blame. Understanding shared human experiences, including the damaging cycle of self-blame, fosters a kinder world that celebrates uniqueness, breaking the cycle of self-hate. The negativity in your bucket isn’t your doing; it’s someone else’s contribution.

Despite the ease of finding information online, the author, a self-taught engineer, prefers human mentors over purely automated learning tools. The author’s mentors and experiences, including billionaires, scientists, and peers, helped them overcome challenges and provided diverse viewpoints. They discuss the concept of altruism and how helping others can be beneficial in personal development. Consequently, the author aspires to provide guidance and support to others based on this principle.