In a curious encounter, a 9-year-old shared a YouTube video detailing the mysterious demise of S. Bose in a helicopter crash, holding it as gospel truth. What intrigued me wasn’t the content itself but her unwavering belief. It made me ponder: is belief essential? Why do we struggle to challenge our convictions? My reflection on this incident revealed a crucial paradox: while the girl questioned her textbook, she embraced the YouTube video without scrutiny. It raised deeper questions about our tendency to trust certain sources over others.

The writer reminisces about a century-old well-renowned library in southern Maharashtra, India that greatly influenced their life and many others. Recently, due to an influx of dominating “radical” literature, the author suggests a shift away from traditional libraries. They propose investing in personal Kindles and creating bespoke libraries to broaden perspectives and nurture intellects.

The writer’s mother, a dedicated teacher and mediator for over 25 years, epitomizes stability, investing hours in teaching and household chores. The writer, conversely, struggles with his life choices and is in constant pursuit of change, navigating the tension between stability and the chase for better pay or higher positions. He advocates the importance of identifying one’s path to seek purpose and fulfillment.

ChatGPT, a debated AI force, employs an innovative Attention Mechanism to explore vast internet knowledge. Despite creative versatility, it lacks post-2021 data precision and common sense. As we anticipate Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by 2050, job displacement concerns linger. While ChatGPT’s impact is gradual due to its common sense limitations, adapting to evolving technology remains crucial. A collaborative future beckons, where honing new skills redefines our relationship with advancing machines.