Welcome to my journey of curiosity!

Hi, I’m Arshad Kazi

Short (Personal) intro: A professional machine learning practitioner who likes to do research (or related work) but has no PhD. Neurodivergent, so I can get socially awkward but am faithful, curious and passionate (I think). I like to read and write, learning to calm my mind. Mostly an overthinker, often a pretentious, self-loathing human, and usually an unsatisfied and hard-to-relax mind. Here to share my thoughts, not because I consider myself an expert but to connect with people just like me or similar to me…

Long (& somewhat formal) intro: A data scientist with a deep fascination for understanding the human brain. My passion lies at the intersection of neuroscience and machine learning, where I explore how technology can help us unravel the complexities of the mind. This journey isn’t just about data and algorithms; it’s driven by a desire to uncover the mysteries of how we think, feel, and function.

Though I’m not the most emotional person, I have a philosophical side that loves pondering life’s big questions. As an introverted atheist, I often find solace in quiet contemplation and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Writing helps me calm the chaos in my mind and think more clearly.

This blog is my cozy corner where I share my thoughts and connect with others who share my passions. Here, you’ll find two main threads:

  1. Machine Learning: I dive into the basics and intricacies of machine learning. Whether you’re prepping for a job, an interview, or just curious, I aim to make these topics easy to grasp and engaging. It’s all about us learning together.
  2. Random Thoughts: This is where I get personal. From my thoughts on neuroscience and mental health to my emotions, rants, and moments of appreciation for the world around me. It’s not strictly philosophical, but it’s a peek into my imperfect, ever-evolving human side.

Whether it’s exploring machine learning, reflecting on neuroscience, or musing over life, I hope you find something here that resonates with you!

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Stay curious!